2023 Zitrone BIO Lemon Tree : Gartenschau in Baden Baden - Freiburg - Stuttgart

Venerdì 10 marzo 2023 | 15:26
🔹🔹 Lemon Tree 25 years Fools Garden Tour 2023 Zitrone BIO Lemon Tree🔹Gartenschau in Baden Baden - Freiburg - Stuttgart

2023🔹 Lemon Tree - Fool's Garden song 25 years 🔹

Fool's Garden singer Peter Freudenthaler, guitarist Volker Hinkel, bassist Thomas Mangold, keyboardist Roland Ruhl and drummer Ralf Wochele.

The band released a greatest hits compilation album in October 2009. The album, High Times, contained fifteen songs including a brand new song, High Time, and some of the well-known hits re-recorded with the new band (Lemon Tree - Wild Days - Suzy).

The latest album Who Is Jo King was released in October 2012.

Canzoni maggiormente amate ed ascoltate
Lemon Tree - The Tocsin - Rainy Day - Nothing - Meanwhile

video Lemon Tree


Lemon Tree ist ein Song von der deutschen Band Fools Garden aus dem Jahr 1995.

/// CONCERTS ///// DATE ///// CITY ///// LOCATION ////// 🔹

🔹🔹 ☀️🔹🔹

10 Mar 2023 🔹Lemon Tree Fool's garden STUTTGART
Kulturinitiative die Halle Reichenbach e.V., Kanalstraße, 73262 Reichenbach an der Fils

Sa 11 Mar2023🔹Lemon Tree Fool's gardenFREIBURG
Jazzhaus Freiburg, Schnewlinstraße, Freiburg im Breisgau

14 Apr2023🔹Lemon Tree Fool's garden🔹Baden Baden
Kurhaus Baden-Baden, Kaiserallee

Tour2023: in Baden Baden - Freiburg - Leipzig - Stuttgart

Alpiz 🔹 Musik - Algorithmus citrus - lemon



Musik - Algorithmus LINKS 🔹

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